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Lyle Montgomery Module 4 Research Paper Checkpoint Research Question and Thesis Statement

Lyle Montgomery Module 4 Research Paper Checkpoint Research Question and Thesis Statement

Q Review the following before you begin this activity: Creating the Ultimate Research Question(s) & Important Information: Research Paper. Contact your instructor well in advance of this assignment deadline if you need assistance. The research question and a complete thesis statement is due by the end of this module week. The thesis statement should provide a clear summary of what you plan to cover in your paper. The thesis statement is not the paper's introduction; rather, it is a part of a small portion of the introductory section of the paper. Your thesis statement should be between four to five sentences and written in paragraph format free of spelling and grammatical errors. ________________________________________ Review the assignment rubric for grading details. Submit one clear concise research question and a thesis statement as a document. Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters. After submission, wait for instructor approval of your thesis statement. Approval or additional feedback/recommendations will be provided in the feedback section of the grades area for this assignment. Once approved, continue working on your research paper. Research Question: How can near perfect aviation safety be achieved with juxtaposition of human factors and technological/machine factors?

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Thesis Statement: The concept of aviation-safety can suffer when diversified perspectives are considered while conducting in-flight operations. There can be maximization of technological/machine factors to maximize passengers’ and crew members’ safety through optimization of robotics/artificial intelligence. There can also be maximization of human control over technological tools to rectify technological/machine errors.